Global & International Psychology

The terms global psychology and international psychology have often been used interchangeably to describe an emerging and innovative field in psychology though there are some nuanced differences in the terminology.  International psychology describes how psychology is developing and practiced in different parts of the world. Global psychology is an evolving field to address the emergence of crucial issues facing the world including: climate change, globalization, intergroup conflict, migration, refugees, poverty, indigenous peoples, healthcare disparities, inequity, human rights violations, mental health issues, and a need to fulfill the united nations sustainable development goals.  The importance in these fields of psychology is evident and codified in the American Psychological Association (APA), division 52, international psychology. This division has been in existence for over 20 years.  

Due to the enormous reach of the issues spanning nation states and impacting various countries, global psychology recognizes the need to have interdisciplinary and international collaborations and cooperation spanning multiple sectors and engaging various stakeholders.  Contrary to the auspices of Western psychology which focuses primarily on individual and micro interventions, global psychology espouses the use of macro interventions that promotes large scale changes in societies and countries through recommendations of policy, political, and structural changes. Global psychology also recognizes the need to have interventions, that are culturally informed and valid to meet the local and country context which meets the resources and structures of local contexts.

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